A Summit FCU “Back To School” loan can help you be ready to Hit the Books! Supplies, clothes, shoes, textbooks, parking permits and backpacks just to name a few. If you are getting more than one student ready for the classroom, school expenses can add up quickly. You may need to get a dorm room ready with a desk, sheets and a new laptop. Whatever the situation in your house, a Summit FCU “Back To School” loan could be a great alternative to charging up your credit cards.
Rates start as low as 7.75% APR* and in August, you even get your choice of either a $50 Walmart gift card** or a $50 Target gift card** at loan signing.
Tax FREE weekend for Ohio is August 5-7. You could be ready to shop with this loan!
*Loan Payment Example: $3000 for 24 months at 7.75% APR (Annual Percentage Rate) = $135.78/month payment with finance charges totaling $258.72. First payment beginning 45 days from initiation date of loan. All loans are subject to normal credit approval terms and risk analysis. Rates and terms subject to change without notice. New money only. Not available for refinancing of current SFCU loans. Some exclusions may apply. Contact SFCU staff for more information about applicable fees and terms.
** $50 Walmart or Target presented at loan signing. Loan application must be received between August 1 - August 31, 2022. One gift card given per loan disbursed.