Card Valet®
Today's consumers want options that help them take control of their financial lives on the go. Card Valet® lets you control when, where, and how your debit card is used; provides cardholders with easy, immediate access to account balances and transactions; and reduces fraud through alerts and controlling card use.
Card Valet® sends real-time alerts for PIN and signature transactions performed with debit cards, enabling cardholders to manage, track and report specific types of usage and quickly detect unauthorized activity. Cardholders can customize their experiences by setting alert and control preferences using a variety of options to customize their experiences.
Cardholders use the Card Valet® mobile app to instantly set their card preferences:
• Turn the payment card on and off—when the card is Off, no purchases or withdrawals are approved except for previously-scheduled reoccurring payments.
• Check transactions and account balances associated with cards enrolled in Card Valet.
• Set a card-usage location boundary.
• Restrict card activity to a 5-mile radius of the cardholder’s current location.
• Restrict transactions to specific merchants and transaction types and set spending limits for transactions.
• Schedule alerts for each time the card is used, a transaction is attempted but declined, or when a transaction exceeds any of the permitted use policies.
Card Valet® is available in the Apple® and Android™ app stores and is quick to implement. Card Valet® app replaces our former MyMobileMoney.
WEB-24 Online Banking

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Managing your money is easier than ever with Summit FCU’s Web-24. Pay your bills, monitor your accounts, transfer funds, and more from your home computer, lap top, or tablet, whenever it's convenient for you.
Online Bill-Pay
No need to write checks, buy stamps, address envelopes, or hurrying every month to avoid late payment fees? We have just the solution. Online Bill Pay! It's a free service with your Summit FCU checking account that lets you pay nearly any company or individual, anytime: rent, mortgage, utilities, cell phone, gardener, or even your babysitter.
eStatements is a free service (included with Web-24) that lets you receive and view your credit union account statements online. Say goodbye to stacks of statement envelopes. Receiving your statements electronically is the easy, safe and secure way to manage your SFCU account. No more waiting for the mail to arrive and no more paper to shred.