FoolProof – Financial Literacy

Summit FCU and FoolProof Financial Education Systems offer you a wide variety of free, online financial literacy tools. They are all highly educational, online, interactive, self-paced & fun to work through! Educate yourself, your kids, your students or your employees. These programs will teach anyone the core financial literacy skills one needs in life.
FoolProof is endorsed by the National Association of Consumer Advocates and the Consumer Federation of America.
FoolProof News and Guides: Helpful videos, podcasts, and breaking financial news stories on a variety of financial topics to help answer your top money questions.
FoolProof for Teachers: Access to relevant teaching tools that will help you teach your high school students about money management, including twenty-two 45-minute sessions on a variety of financial topics that all meet most Ohio state financial education standards.
FoolProof for Young Adults: Free, engaging programs (fast facts, videos, podcasts, and consumer news) designed to foolproof teens and college-age students for the real financial world. You'll learn what you need to know from other young adults who know how to help.
FoolProof for Parents: A free tool to access FoolProof education modules to teach your 13–25 year old kids or grandkids how to manage their money and avoid common financial missteps through interactive step-by-step, topic-by-topic programs with memorable messages.