Wrap up holiday spending early this year with an SFCU Holiday Loan and have it paid off by this time next year! With the Pick-Your-Payment tool and the same low rate of 6% APR for EVERYONE, regardless of some credit history, you'll be singing joy to the world of affordable holiday loans! We're here to put some sparkle in your season. 
- $52 per month for $600*
- $87 per month for $1,000*
- $130 per month for $1,500*
Happy Holidays from SFCU. May your season sparkle!
Apply now!
*Loan Payment Example: Signature Loan: $1,000 for 12 months at 6.00% Annual Percentage Rate= $86.28/month payment. All loans subject to normal credit approval terms and risk analysis. Holiday Loan available until 12/31/15. All rates subject to change without notice. Not available for refinancing of current SFCU loans. Rates apply to new money only. Contact SFCU staff for more information about applicable fees and terms. Federally Insured by NCUA.
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November 01, 2015